News Report — The format

The key elements of a News Report are:


1. Headline: -Catches your attention-Sums up the story

2. Byline: -Writer’s name-Writer’s Specialty, e.g. sports, food, crime, current events

3. Placeline: -Where the story begins

4. Lead: -The important first sentence or paragraph that summarizes the story and answers as many as possible of the 5 W’s (Who? What? Where? When? and Why?) and H (How?).

5. Body: – Supplies detail-Most important details come first-Simple true statements

6. Quotation: What someone actually said-Adds accuracy-Adds “at the scene” feeling.



Exercise: Read the following text about Pope Francis and identify the key elements of a news report: Release of encyclical reveals pope’s deep dive into climate science

Use this vocabulary as an aid:

Missive: a written message; letter.

Wonk: a person who studies a subject or issue in an excessively assiduousand thorough manner.

Leak: to release or publish.

Cheer: to make or become happy or hopeful; comfortor be comforted.

Unlikely: improbable.

Pews: a group of worshipers.

Wane: to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.

Hold out: kept.

Overarching: encompassing or overshadowing everything.

Consumerism: the fact or practice of an increasing consumption of goods.

Crippling: damaging.


Step 1: Use this template to analyze the News Report above.

Step 2: Use this template to create a news report. Choose one of the following stimuli and use it as a title. Find out information about it at home. Print it and bring it next class:

  1. Dubai becomes a favorite destination for immigrants
  2. Water scarcity affects the poorest areas of India
  3. Hot weather affects the South American region with unexpected temperatures
  4. Scientists state that levels of CO2 will rise dramatically in 100 years